The story and characters of the animated series would be used in the Tradewest-produced Double Dragon V: The Shadow Falls, a Double Dragon fighting game released for home consoles. Get a sneak peek of the new version of this page. While it was not the first of it's kind (Technos' Kunio-Kun came first), it was very popular and spawned three sequels at the Arcade and three home versions for the Famicom/NES and even a Super Famicom-only sequel, Return of Double Dragon. Michael Donovan and Scott McNeil were not bad either.It's too bad that Tradewest destroyed the franchise with this crap.

These are Billy and Jimmy's younger students, and supporting characters throughout the story. A company called Tradewest took over the franchise in the U.S and they made this abomination of an animated series (among several other abominations) that eventually destroyed the franchise.The pilot episode is loosely based on the NES version of the first Double Dragon (noticed the word loosely).
Double dragon cartoon episode 1 upgrade#
Less than 3 deca-cycles after the reformatting of Cybertron into a technorganic wonderland, Doublecross and his fellow Monsterbots (apparently all having undergone the Great Upgrade downsizing) were seen exiting a bar on Spaceport CSSB-16 soused out of their minds on some high quality energon. Double Dragon-animated (S 1 (1-13) ) (S2 (1-13) ) Topics Double Dragon-animated. … With Jim Byrnes, Garry Chalk, Michael Donovan, Scott McNeil. Fraternal twin brothers destined to be great martial arts warriors fight evil in this animated series based on a video game. The figures included Billy Lee, Jimmy Lee, Blaster, Vortex, Shadow Master, Sickle and Trigger Happy. When Jimmy goes missing, Billy calls upon his Dragon … By Dojo Master Editor. Since then, they went on a training mission to complete their Sou-Setsu-Ken, and two years later they are now … January 1, 1993. Dark Queen Abobo (Double Dragon) Shadow Warriors (Double Dragon) In the series, Lee brothers are martial arts instructors and police consultants, who assume superheroic identities at moments of escalated violence. Instead, they fought with magical swords instead. Need some help finding the best things to watch on Netflix? After meeting his brother Jimmy, they decide to join forces and fight together as the ", although several episodes show that heavy injury can deactivate their powers. Before it became a film, Double Dragon was a 1987 beat-‘em-up arcade game (one of the first) that was ported onto NES, the Sega Master System, Game Boy and more, and gave rise to a bevy of sequels. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. The wristbands are later blue to parallel Billy's red wristbands. When three alien motorcycle riding mice are forced to leave their home planet of Mars thanks to the evil mining Plutarkians, they rebel against their enemies on planet Earth and the city of Chicago. Intro to oldschool DIC cartoon Double Dragon. #93138897 - Cute cartoon double headed dragon character, mythical animal. All of the characters introduced from the second episode and onward were original creations made for the show.